Come and join me for a fabulous invigorating circuit pilates class.
I have developed this class for getting everyone motivated.
New class structure. The advantages of a 45 minute circuit style class are:
a circuit style class can be fast moving and easily build heat and increase the heart rate.
a circuit style class can include a lot of elements to challenge the body.
a circuit style class can add a lot of variety.
a circuit style class can include cardio fitness, strength, endurance all in the one class.
a circuit style class keeps you moving without the fatigue. The reason for this is because the class is developed to change body parts and exercises before fatigue starts.
a circuit style class is very motivating and fun.
a circuit style class uses no equipment so that there is no time wasting changing props and equipment. All you need is a mat.
Join me for this fabulous class on line for $10.
